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Jesus was building a kingdom for all races and backgrounds. As the church grew, they experienced miraculous signs and wonders, great persecution and opposition.
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Telling God doesn't always change the situation, but by God, it will change you.

It's April 2024. Thank God for that blessing. We are praying that April will be a month of healing, prosperity, friendship, genuine love, family reconciliations, marital reconciliations, and great progress for our children, ( both young and adult children). We are praying that our friends and loved ones who have strayed from Jesus, and those who never accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, would receive a visit from the Lord to show them His love and show them that sin is a terrible thing that deceives us and leaves the soul empty and void of truth and of love.

We pray that their eyes will be opened and the heart of stone brought on by life's abuses and harships would be replaced by a heart of flesh. That they will be transformed into gentle, wonderful people as Jesus reaches into their hearts to heal what has been broken so they can live a beautiful and gentle life.  We pray that we will all draw clsower to God and acknowledge that all life gets its source from Jesus. 

For our devotions in April , we are continuing in the book of Acts, applying the Next Step teachings as we read on.

Question: How does the resurrection of Jesus Christ change an entire world? Answer: One conversion and one conversation at a time.  


Acts is the record of the start and spread of the Christian Church. It opens with Jesus returning to heaven 40 days after His resurrectionfrom the dead. It is grounded in the Holy Spirit coming in His place, giving that special power to believers to spread the gospel with boldness and live with power and humility.

 Jesus’ followers since then are led and guided by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

28 chapters later in Acts, the Gospel was spreading across the world. And, we have received that gospel and that power!!

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth Acts 1:8

God lovingly redeemed us from sin and death to live in grace and to joy-filled hope.
Every day, His mercies are renewed, and His faithfulness remains forever.

We live in a culture of crisis all around the world but God gives
us strong h
ope to live in a Kingdom-culture of celebration and perseverance
through a new life in Jesus Christ our Lord who delivers us from daily crises.


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