Sunday, October 20, 2024 Pastor Pinnock
What Has My Life Come To? Hebrews 12:22-24
Your life has come to a mountain of love: Grace and freedom in Jesus Christ, the Mediator
mountain of Law: pointing to sin without an advocate for forgiveness
Sunday, September 29th, 2024
Message: Releasing Yourself To God. 2 Samuel 23:8-39
Guest Minister: Renee Jaco
This ended our 5 week message series on Unlocking God's Blessings
​Sermon notes:
​What blessings await us when we release ourselves to God? How can we draw closer to God? How can we move from the outer circles around God where the multitudes gather, and be the like the 3 that broke through into the inner circle for King David in 2 Samuel 23?
Passion, Purpose, Determination. How can you become one of those 3 great warriors that were so focused, passionate, and determined that they broke through for the king to get to the king?
God and the things of the kingdom of God are reasons for us to become purposefully passionate to do what it takes, and to do away with what must be done away with to draw close to Him who is close to hear what God is saying with a passionate readiness to receive it and to perform it.
Social media and other external distractions (shut them down and spend time God). This point speaks to us in this overly absorbed media generation. We give so much of our time to all forms of media and are left with so little time for God. We even run late for our appointments because we spend so much time on media.
Repentance for our sins but for the sins and the sins of our family and our nation. Fasting to hear from God. Most of us are not hearing from God because we are consumed with other voices, and again, media.
The Holy Spirit is actively drawing us to be ready, determined, and passionate do whatever it takes for the things of God.
Spend more time with God. The day is soon coming when the trumpet call of God will sound. We must be ready to leave this place at the sound of the trumpet call. I Thessalonians 4
Read your Bible. Absorb the Word of God. Read the Bible, not as two parts, but as the eternal word of God. Charity: Be kind to God and His kingdom. Be kind to yourself and give to others.